Dumgoyne and Earl's Seat

Distance: 11.91km Time: 2 hrs 51min Ascent 781m The Route From the lay by next to the distillery, cross the road to the start of the walk to Dumgoyne. It is obvious to spot, a large open green lawn surface leads you up a tree lined rise to a stile. Green Lawn Path up to Dumgoyne Looking back Once over the fence, follow the muddy track up which bends to the right, under the top of Dumgoyne. It then ascends up onto the shoulder to the trig point. 57mins, 420m Dumgoyne Summit To get to Earl's Seat, descend off the back of Dumgoyne, this can be steep and tricky, especially when wet or cloudy. Follow the track east for 3.5km. There is a faint track for most of the walk. The summit of Earl's Seat runs alongside a fence to the trig point. 2hrs 5mins, 574m. You can return by the same direction, skirting around the base of Dumgoyne. Descending Dumgoyne Onward to Earl's Seat Towards Earl's Seat Summit of Earl's Seat This is a decent short hike walk with Munro like views...